Thursday, October 20, 2011

First ice

One of Hank Williams Sr. songs, First fall of snow is a sad story of a man dressed in sackcloth, who lost his little girl, he loved every footstep, loved every curl of his little girl.  I can identify with the sentiments of the song, as I lost my little girl, as the sentiments of the song indicate, I too will be with my lil darling someday.
We received our first freeze of the season the other day, the freeze left a glass like formation around the edge of the lake behind my house, with most of the center, open water.  I know that soon, I will be observing children and other folks edging out on the lake to test it, then if there no snow for a little while, I should see and hear the sounds of laughter, screaming, howling and an occasional "Ouch".
     The other day was also the day when I recieved the report that our family member has passed.  As with so many deaths befor him, I took the initial report with unbelief, as I believed our prayers were going to be ansewered, we would witness again him departing the plane, saying "Oh its good to be home".
Yesterday he arrived home, in a casket drapped in Old Glory, witnessing his arrival home, then to see him as the casket was opened, after he was taken to his house, added to the finality of the initial report. 
His passing will leave a very identifying void in our lives, but that void will be filled with the remberance of his life as it unfolded befor us.  As little boys we froliced in the warm sun on the shore, we explored shore and creek, our delight was echoed by our laughter and loud voice.  I know that one day we will again, run, laugh, play and have the time of our lives, all us togather on that heavenly shore.
His passing also left a vivid view for all of us, he was a little over a year younger I and our peers.  No one  know the day or hour when we too must depart this life and enter eternity to be with our Lord forever.
He joins a few others our age, during the past few years, we lost so many. There are no answers to the questions that echoed throught the eons.  We don't know who we be reunited with on that day when we are called, only our Lord Jesus Christ can say to whom He may choose "enter into my rest".
Just as I bring to rememberance the events in our lives as young boys to this day.  I reflect on the positive attributes he had, what attributes he passed to others.  I see the transformation from the anology of the caterpillar, because it is highly possible that he has his beautiful wings.
As we remain here on this place where we chose to live, we too must be as the caterpillar, only eat the things of this earth that will bring you closer the day when we will be transformed with beautiful wings.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Last walk on the beach

The weather has been pretty nasty these past few weeks, it seem like every low pressure fronts keep hitting us with some bad weather, the storm the other day blew my antenna down, now I'm stuck with watching DVDs until I can get a new antenna.  There were a few good days in between the storms, the good sunny days gave me a chance to walk on the beach again, hopefully there will be more good days to walk the beach before the ice and snow forms all over the place.  I walked the beach the other day, I love the walk because it gives me time alone, to think, to contemplate, to ponder, to reminiscence, to talk to my creator.  But the past two walks I've been on were some how different, there was a coldness, a vastness, a something I can't comprehend, even though the view, the scenery, the atmosphere was as it always is, just breathtaking as ever, I found myself in a different frame of mind.  I was taking in the scenery, the fresh sea air, the sounds of the beach, but this time there were no sounds of birds, and I didn't recall the sounds of the surf, or the sights of eagles, it was as if it was a foreign place, I found myself gazing at the rocks on the beach, looking for some "pretty ones".  I normally walk with fundamental joy of the atmosphere and sights, I don't know if the loneliness, , the sense of loss, the feeling of an end of an era or a longing for yester-days gone bye, I don't know, I just knew that there was a difference this time.  This last walk on the beach was uneventful, I came off the beach feeling refreshed from the walk, but there was a void, a missing element. 
As the season draws to an end, so do some events in our lives must come to an end, we mourn over the death of enlighting moments in time, and long for them to be revisited, but as the old fisherman say "time and tide waits for no man".
The fall season was always a good time to enjoy the events as they unfold.  The moose hunt this season was uneventful and unsuccessful, the duck hunt did not happen, even so the season was one to really enjoy and be blessed with. 
I look to see our first snow and the winter to come, I know that the seasons ahead will bring storms and other unpleasant events, but I look beyond the storms and tempticous times, for I truly believe there are even better days ahead.